12 luglio 2011

THE SHIPWRECK BAG SHOW - Live at Locomotiv Club (BO) - 2009

Selected Releases

- The Shipwreck Bag Show "KC" Wallace Records 2010
- The Shipwreck Bag Show "Il tempo,… tra le nostre mani, scoppiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Wallace Records 2009
- Sinistri "Free Pulse" Hapna 2005
- Starfuckers "Infinitive Sessions" Dbk Works 2002
- Starfuckers "Infrantumi" Lessness/Drunken Fish 1997/98
- Starfuckers "Sinistri" Underground Records 1994
- Starfuckers "Brodo Di Cagne Strategico" Helter Skelter 1991
- Starfuckers "Metallic Diseases" Electric Eye 1990

Roberto Bertacchini's drums techniques

Roberto Bertacchini begins studying drums in 1977 under his brother Mauro (a seventies' jazz/rock fine drummer) he starts playing simple blues/rock rhythms, from the beginning of the nineties he moves to more complex and advanced rhythms or using the drum kit purely as a sound source, in 1997 he breaks up with everything and starts to define his own unique amazing nonmetric style.

Roberto Bertacchini's current gear

22" Ludwig Kick Drum
4" x 14" Pearl Snare Drum
14" Ufip Hi-hatUfip Cymbal
Unidentified Drumsticks and Brushes
DG Cajon